Archive for September, 2010

MMX 251 Fountain

MMX 251 Fountain

A fountain at the entrance to Saints Mary and Elizabeth Hospital.

MMX 250 Moths

MMX 250 Moths

This little neon sign attracts people like moths to flame. It’s amazing what marketing will do for your business.

MMX 249 Telephone Pole

MMX 249 Telephone Pole

Just your ordinary Telephone Pole.

MMX 248 Tree

MMX 248 Tree

Just playing around with CameraBag app for iPhone.

MMX 247 Ansel Adams

MMX 247 Ansel Adams

Sitting at work, watching a short documentary on Ansel Adams. You can view the video on YouTube Here. The interview was filmed in 1983. In the documentary Mr. Adams tells the reporter how there is a new media called digital that is up and coming and exciting possibilities. I wonder how he would have used digital exposures?

MMX 246 Bus

MMX 246 Bus

Trying to invoke a little Henri Cartier-Bresson i guess. Just looking to try new things with my camera.

MMX 245 Stand-in

MMX 245 Stand-in

This is how we repair switches at my place of employment. Fancy, I know.

MMX 244 Walking Past

MMX 244

I need to find some inspiration, so I played with shutter speed.

MMX 243 People Watching

MMX 243

MMX 242 Lines & Pattern

MMX 242

The windows of the Galt House hotel in downtown Louisville.

MMX 241 Pink?

MMX 241

That’s right kids, you can get your Guns and Ammo charms, now with PINK plastic bubbles, for all those militant kids with fashion sense!

MMX 240 Psycho Sweets

MMX 240 Psycho

Two local band names adhered to the side of a gum-ball machine.

MMX 239 Looking West

MMX 239 Looking West