Archive for January, 2010

MMX 031 Snow Tracks

MMX 031 Snow Tracks

I have managed to survive one month with Project 365. The snow is melting away fast but I found a few rabbit tracks in Shawnee Park this morning. I’m looking forward to spring, as the landscape shots look a little bleak without leaves on the trees.

Loading Dock

Loading Dock

A loading dock in a small alleyway. I like that the alley is still brick, we tend to cover most brick with asphalt these days.

MMX 030 Moondance

MMX 030 Moondance

It was a marvelous night for a moon dance, albeit a cold one. This image was taken in Cherokee Park in Louisville, one of the flagship parks in the Olmsted Park system of Louisville. The moon shone down on many a sledding person, just past full moon it was quite a sight in the night (pun obviously intended).

Main Street

Main Street

In the foreground is the old Bank of Louisville Facade, now part of Actors Theater. The Hubbuchs Designer building has great features, and is always a pleasure to photograph. The background has the National City building covered in fog.

MMX 029 Tree

MMX 029 Tree

Nothing too interesting here today, just a lonely Charlie Brown tree in a field. I missed an opportunity to get images of a hawk. I was traipsing around EP Sawyer State Park and I flushed the hawk out from a field. He gave me one fly by about 20 minutes later, but did not return. Hopefully next time I can get a photo of him.

The School House

Knox Box

Designed in 1873, this building was the first school for African-Americans in Kentucky. Called the Central Colored School, it remained in the public education system for more than eight decades.

School House

MMX 028 Good night John boy

MMX 028 Good night John boy

The calm before the snow. They are predicting 2-3″ of snow for the area Friday through saturday.

City of Fog


Fog has blanketed our fair city for the past three days. The river has an uncanny ability to increase the density of the fog. Here the National City tower is enveloped by fog.

MMX 027 Portland Branch

MMX 027 Portland LFPL Branch

This stop along the Northwestern Parkway finds us at the  Portland Branch of the Louisville Free Public Library. From the website of LFPL:

The Portland Branch opened on December 18th, 1905, with 1,400 books selected from the Main Library’s collection. For the next eight years, the branch operated at two different temporary locations near 26th and Portland Avenue.

A grant from the Andrew Carnegie Foundation provided the funds for the Library’s permanent building. On October 24th, 1913, the Portland Branch opened to the public at 3305 Northwestern Parkway.

You can read more about the Branch on web site.

Shawnee Golf Course

Shawnee Golf Course

The Shawnee Golf Course with the Sherman Minton Bridge (Interstate 64) in the background.

MMX 026 Medic?

MMX 026 Medic

Blue & White in honor of Kentucky Basketball. It’s been a crazy day at work, I was still able to get my photo of the day. Here’s to a better tomorrow!

Shawnee Park Bandstand

Shawnee Pavilion

The bandstand in Shawnee Park looks much like a small thrust stage. The ‘seating area’ is a surround using the grassy berm to give it a feel much like newer concert venues that have grass seating.

Steps to the Past


A small set of steps in Shawnee Park that have fallen into disrepair. These lead to the Middle Concourse area in the park. The middle concourse looks over the Ohio River. There are a few steps like this and walking paths that have become over grown. The sky was gray and cold. The steps seemed to mirror the mood of a Kentucky winter day.

MMX 025 Valley

MMX 025 Valley

The winter equals gray skies for most of the Kentucky region. This morning the sun peaked it’s head out for just thirty minutes. I tried to find a scenic vista to take a photo of, but this is all I could find. I am still hunting for good sunset & sunrise shooting locations. Louisville is bowl shaped. The river valley is surrounded by hills and knobs to the south, north and east. Surely there is somewhere I can find for good photos. Keep watching and I’ll keep trying to seek the elusive high viewpoint sun photos.

MMX 024 Alleyway

Along the Parkway

Preiser Scientific 2

While on the hunt for the photo of the day (Project 365 MMX version) I had an idea. I will feature one section of Louisville as a photographic journey. There are many distinct areas of this Metro and I think all of them have their own style. The next few installments of photographs will be along the Algonquin Parkway & Southwestern Parkway.

Park System Map

The Parkways were originally designed by Frederick Law Olmsted (the same designer as New York City’s Central Park). His firm designed three ‘Flagship’ parks in Louisville, Cherokee, Iroquois and Shawnee parks. Each park had a road that lead to it and they used to intersect each other. Eastern Parkway leads to Cherokee Park, Southern Parkway leads to Iroquois Park and the Southwestern & Northwestern Parkways lead to Shawnee Park. You can read more about the Olmsted Parks at

Preiser Scientific

MMX 023

MMX 023 Phallic symbol

The great phallic symbol in downtown Louisville.

Stream flows downhill

Two iPhone photos, both processed in the iPhone.

MMX 022 Construction

MMX 022 Construction

Two workers at the Louisville Arena project.


Daguerrotype Attempt

I recently ranted on Twitter that Photoshop has gotten out of the reach of the amateur photographer. I recieved a few suggestions including Photoshop Elements and a program I had not heard of yet. Jenn of The Artist’s Eyes said GIMP is like Photoshop but it is open source (that means free). I downloaded GIMP and I am trying to test it out. This photo is supposed to look like a Daguerrotype. I hope it looks close. GIMP is similar to Photoshop with a minor learning curve (I had a hard time figuring out how to freehand scale a layer). I like it so far, and I will add more test images as I process them.

MMX 021 Strength in numbers

MMX 021 Strength in numbers

A cool rainy January day in the metro. There is a small grove of trees near my work that just begged for a photo. I stood in the pouring rain and obliged, sacraficing my warm dryness for photography. I am a trooper 😉

A Pingback…

Eric from Eric’s Bald Bytes Blog featured my story about the head shaving incident. . You can see the blog post on his site here, stop by his blog and check it out. He has some funny & insightful things related to baldness. Thanks for the “free press” Eric!

Reach for the Sky

Reach for the Sky

Sometimes all you have to do is look up. You can be amazed what you find when changing your point of view. This is a billboard support base and just a little bit of blue sky.

MMX 020 Three Doors

MMX 020 Three Doors

Nothing interesting, just a few access arches under a railroad trestle.